So many people in business limit themselves to their job titles. Within your circle, you’re the one who’s known as the CEO, a great manager of people, a savvy businessperson – but when you’re among your peers, all of these qualities are no longer so unique. You’re not the only one who has them.

I’ve been researching the CDC model: claiming, demarcating, and controlling nascent markets. I think it’s time we put it to use for ourselves. I’ll explain how – with the help of a few comedians.

Comedians enter their profession with a style that they claim as their own. They’re quirky, deadpan, outrageous. But they’re unique. They rely on this uniqueness. Yet their style isn’t static. Their entire career is based upon listening to reactions and responding to them in their own brand of humour – this is how they grow their popularity, listening and adapting. With their audience established, they build up their profile - by making themselves into a talking point. They choose the specific material that will resound with the audience at the time, whilst keeping them talking about the show after they leave.
Find what makes you different, be a cognitive referent for this. Market that quality and capitalise upon it. Be defined by more than your job description.

No Laughing Matter